Can you cancel or change my order?
Short answer: we’ll try our best! Long answer: everything is made to order, so as long as we haven't started making it we should be able to. Please contact us at or call us at 9894448001 if you need to change or cancel an order.
Can I get on your email list?
TOTALLY! We’d love that! Just scroll down to the bottom of this page to join our email list.
Do you zip code protect?
Because we strive for uniqueness, we prefer to limit the stores we sell to within a zip code. We will do our best to review all new accounts and check proximity to other retailers carrying our products before approval. However, we do not guarantee any kind of zip code or territory protection.
If you are looking for something unique to just your store, talk to us about custom pieces that we can do exclusively for you!
How do apply to become a Duo Threads?
We are so grateful to work with so many amazing retailers, and you are no exception! Interested in carrying Duo Threads in your store? Apply here!
Is your website secure?
Yep! On any page where we ask you to enter your address, phone number, or credit card information, we use secure socket layer (SSL) to encrypt the communication.
Do you ship internationally?
At this time, we do not. We only ship within the U.S.
What is your order minimum?
Sorority: $1000 & 3+ SORORITITES
Gameday/Holiday: $250
*Effective 4/1/2024 orders over $2500 will incur a 3% credit card processing fee. Accounts approved for ACH processing will remain fee free. Please email for setup.